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Are you a woman between 30 and 60 with an entrepreneurial fighting spirit? 

You keep pushing forward but you are held back by your past experiences that have made you feel as if;

  •  You don't deserve to be happy

  •  You are not worthy of having it

  •  You've felt abandoned so you can't connect to people

  •  You have to people please to prove your worth

  •  You are your last priority on your list

It becomes the cycle and before you know it you are living a life for other people, neglecting yourself and your own needs in the process.

How different would your life look if you had it all?

By this I mean everything YOU desire that fulfils and nurtures your very being so you can live a life of authentic happiness and break the cycle that’s
keeping you stuck in the hamster wheel and finally step into your purpose and truth.


I can help you do that with
my 5 Elements Methodology

My name is Angela Ward. I am a
THE Authentic Happiness
coach, Holistic Therapist, Trainer
and published author

My MISSION is to provide a platform where people can heal, transform and succeed.

My VISION is to enable 1 million people to step into the identity of the person that want to become.

I've been helping people in the corporate world for over 20 years and for the past 10 years in my own practice.

My 5 Elements programme is a combination of my professional qualifications , my own personal journey and the experience I gained from coaching others to achieve a balanced authentically happy life.

I would love to help you.

If you are ready to ditch the drama and get results, book in a complementary 30 minutes call to see how my programme can help you.  Simply click on the link below to reserve your place.

Holistic Health Centre in Tendring, Essex


Angela Ward BA(Hons) MSc, MGHT, MGTL
THE Authentic Happiness Coach, Holistic Therapist, Trainer and Published Author.

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Authentic Happiness Coaching

Image by Katerina Jerabkova

One Day Retreat

Image by Marcos Paulo Prado

One day workshop - Deep dive into the 7 major chakras

Reiki Treatment

Holistic Healing Therapies


Authentic Happiness Coaching

Authentic Happiness Coaching 

A 6-month programme (24 sessions) that will;

  • Create your life path

  • Get you laser focussed on what’s important to you instead of what others deem important to you

  • Dissolve limiting thoughts and behaviours and emotional attachments to experiences that otherwise keep us stuck.

  • Create fast and long-lasting change that can

Yoga, Chakra Dancing & Creative meditation, Sound Healing, Manifestation workshops

If you are feeling like you are stuck, frustrated or storing and suppressing negative emotions this one day retreat will leave you firmly aligned to your soul's desire.

You will leave energised and ready to take inspired action and would have aligned to manifesting the life of your dreams.

It's not enough to just want something. You cannot just will it in, contrary to popular belief.

You have to take action. The universe will always hear your whisper, your hearts desire, your calling. You have to meet it half way.

This one day retreat will get you there.

A deep dive into the Chakra System

This one-day workshop brings together deeper understanding of the chakra system. We look at the 7 main chakra’s, how they work and awareness of imbalance. Through dance and movement, we will release energy blocks.  You'll be guided into the use of crystals and essential oils to align the chakra energy to bring harmony.  We end the day with a creative meditation.

Reiki, Massage, Energy Healing, Mindfulness, Aromatherapy, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Therapy + more

We live in a world where we are constantly on the go. We rarely get the time to just relax and be still. The stresses and strains build up in the body and prolonged stress can cause physical and mental illness, like anxiety and depression.  I provide various therapies to help release the oxidative stress from the body, relieve tension from tired muscles and release toxins with lymphatic drainage techniques. I use 100% therapeutic grade aromatherapy oils and each session will be tailored to your very needs.

Sound Healing

Release, let go and energise.  The evening will encompass many different instruments as a means for relaxation and a guided journey meditation that will enable you to go within and allow you to free flow where you mind requires you to be as we open the heart for healing.


Guiding you Step by Step through the 5 elements of Authentic Happiness


  • True Choices - let go of goals created by others expectations, external validation and wanting to 'prove' yourself.

  • Create a structure that supports your growth

  • Be authentically happy now - all that exists is now, cherish it, be grateful for it and live your life in the moment, fully appreciating everything you are and everything that you have , even when you haven't attained your goals yet.

  • Unplug, Recode, Rewire - You cannot become the person you want to be, by being the person you are.

  • Take Aligned action - walk on the path to your true goal

Authentic Happiness Coaching
and Holistic Workshops

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Workshops and Holistic Health Training

Reiki Treatment

Reiki Training

Learn the history, uses, practice and techniques of Reiki Healing. 


Image by Conscious Design

Sound Healing and Journey Meditation workshop

An evening of sound therapy using different instruments to help to calm and relax you with a guided meditation to take you on a journey of discovery. 

Reclaim Your Personal Power

by Angela Ward

Now available in paperback on Amazon

In addition to our physiological structure, we also have an energy field. This energy field is connected to our body’s endocrine system which governs our hormones and therefore our emotional state.... This book will help the reader to start to gain a deeper understanding of how our energy system works and question what is deemed the ‘norm’. I’ve used actual examples of my own experiences to highlight moments of enlightenment I received when using these techniques. Unlike other spiritual books, I have never had ‘a near death experience’ that opened my world to a spiritual path. In fact, it has been quite the opposite. I was driven to succeed. I had a six-figure income, would go abroad at the drop of a hat, buy cars with cash, and never had to worry financially. The more successful I became the more I felt unfulfilled and unhappy. I was living my life from my mind space, devoid of emotion and feeling. Inside I was broken. Every one of us will have some form of struggle that we just can’t seem to break free from. What I have found, using the same techniques within this book, is to break free you have to allow yourself to be completely honest and take responsibility for any part you have played in any given situation. I share my experiences and learning in the hope that you may also reclaim your personal power. Once you open your life up to full awareness, to not act will be a misjustice to yourself. Being true to yourself is your only priority. The rest will follow.

Review by Debbie McClintock

Sometimes you feel like nobody knows how you feel and doesn’t really understand what you’re going through. This book made me realise I’m certainly not on my own we just all handle it and deal with it differently. The author explains the ups, downs, highs and lows they’ve had in their own life and how you can help yourself understand what your experiences are all about. We can ask for help along the way but ultimately you need to help yourself too. This is book is packed full of useful information, a self-help guide of how you can do exactly that.


Clacton on Sea, United Kingdom

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